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Choose where you want to register your trademark

trademark registration portal

United Kingdom

Without a U.K. trademark, your customers wouldn’t know their Hellman’s from their Heinz. Put your business on the U.K. map with a trademark registration from Patentoid.

Total £590

Special price £559

Price includes:

  • service £389

  • administrative fee £170

Register trademark
trademark registration portal

European Union

In the world’s biggest single market, it can be hard to stand out. Make a name for your business with E.U. trademark registration from Patentoid.

Total £1,190

Special price £1,160

Price includes:

  • service £453

  • administrative fee EUR 850 (~ £707)

Register trademark


Is your business already in the Wild West? We can help you corral your customers with trademark registration for the U.S.A.

Total £635

Price includes:

  • service £443

  • administrative fee USD 250 (~ £192)

Register trademark
trademark registration portal


Any large scale business needs to stand out on the international stage. Go to the next level and register your Slovak Republic trademark.

Total £289

Price includes:

  • service £193

  • administrative fee EUR 116 (~ £96)

Register trademark

Czech Republic

Registering a trademark in the Czech Republic is your key to becoming the next Škoda Auto. We’re ready to help you and your business stand out.

Total £395

Price includes:

  • service £263

  • administrative fee £165 CZK 4 000 (~ £132)

trademark registration portal


Without a Ukraine trademark, your customers wouldn’t know their Morshinska from their Myrhorodska. Stand out from the competition with trademark registration from Patentoid.

Total £1,350

Price includes:

  • service £1,267

  • administrative fee EUR 100 (~ £83)

trademark registration portal

Russian federation

Trading in or exporting to the Russian Federation? You’ll need a trademark if you want to rise above the rest. We can help you register your trademark in Russia.

Total £890

Price includes:

  • service £890

  • administrative fee UAH 3,500 (~ £0)

trademark registration portal

Register the name of your product or company as a trademark

Do you need to protect the name of a product, project, or company? We will help you register it as a trademark.

Total £590

Special price £559

Price includes:

  • service £389

  • administrative fee £170

Register trademark
trademark registration portal

Registration of the logo and brand as trademarks

Has anyone on your team created a great logo with text or an image without text? Feel free to register it as a trademark so there’s no danger of someone stealing it from you.

Total £590

Special price £559

Price includes:

  • service £389

  • administrative fee £170

Register trademark
trademark registration portal

Registration of a slogan as a trademark

Have you put together a fresh and catchy slogan that keeps you up at night? We will easily help you protect it from abuse.

Total £590

Special price £559

Price includes:

  • service £389

  • administrative fee £170

Register trademark

Other services you may use

trademark registration portal

Renewal and extension of your trademark

Is the expiration date of your trademark drawing close? Contact us and we will help you extend it for another ten years. No need to spend ages with the authorities for no reason. We will also help you renew a trademark that has expired.


Price for service £300

Administrative fee £200


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Designed by Beneš & Michl